
In general terms a healthy diet is a diet that provides your body with all the nutrients it needs everyday.

There are established categories for all the nutrients our body needs and at the top are the macro-nutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

There are also established percentages of each macro-nutrient that our body needs everyday, and although these percentages may vary a bit according to gender, size and age, the differences are not that far apart.

So a healthy diet is one that provides you with the right percentage of macro-nutrients from all food groups everyday.


The answer to what is a healthy diet when it comes to calories is a diet that provides the necessary calories that your body needs everyday.

According to your age, gender and size, there are also established numbers of calories that you need everyday in order for your body to perform all its activities, sometimes this level of calories is referred to as the maintenance weight caloric level.

What Is A Healthy Diet For Weight Loss?


A healthy diet for weight loss is also a diet that ensures that you take all the nutrients you need everyday and that provides them from all food groups without prohibiting any set of particular foods or groups of foods, like carbs or fat.


An established healthy level to lose weight is to go below your daily maintenance caloric level by no more than 20 to 30%.

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